Friday, March 13, 2009

Another day..

haha..had just finish my bloody tests today..what a relief...
Today gave out my another first time on utm--motorbike riding.haha...
Thought of play badminton but hall was fulled.
So,a brilliant idea came out of a friend of mine.
''Why don't we get a motorbike to dine outside utm?''she said.
''cool!''i said while nodding head.
So,the experience is just exciting for me.It is a gear mode one which i'm not really used to it.Many cars passing by.. Don't know how to describe the feeling but it is diferent if compared with motor riding in T.I( my lovely hometown).
Anyway,it is dangerous to ride here.

Editor notes:
-empty mind today.
-like the cool wheather of tonight.
-miss my home
-miss my old buddies
-had a great satisfaction today

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